Mattress Care Guide

Investing in a high-quality mattress is a crucial step towards ensuring a restful night's sleep. However, it's equally important to take proper care of your mattress to maximise its lifespan and maintain its optimal performance. By implementing a regular maintenance routine and following a few simple guidelines, you can extend the life of your mattress and enjoy its comfort and support for years to come. In our Mattress Care Guide, we will explore essential tips and techniques to keep your mattress in excellent condition.

Start with a solid foundation

To protect your mattress, it's essential to start with a suitable foundation or bed frame. Ensure that your bed frame provides adequate support and stability for the specific type of mattress you own. Improper support can lead to premature wear and sagging, compromising the mattress's integrity and comfort. Consult the manufacturer's recommendations or seek professional advice to ensure your mattress is properly supported.

Rotate and flip regularly

Rotating and flipping your mattress on a regular basis helps distribute the wear and tear evenly. This is especially important for double-sided mattresses or those with varying comfort levels on each side. By rotating your mattress 180 degrees every three to six months, you can prevent body impressions and maintain a consistent level of support. Flipping the mattress (if applicable) can further alleviate pressure points and prolong its lifespan.

Keep it clean

Regular mattress cleaning is essential to maintain a hygienic sleep environment. Follow these steps to keep your mattress clean and fresh:
  1. * Start by vacuuming your mattress regularly using the upholstery attachment to remove dust, allergens, and surface debris.
* Treat stains promptly using a mild detergent or upholstery cleaner. Blot the stain gently without rubbing, as vigorous scrubbing can damage the mattress fibers.
* To eliminate odors, sprinkle baking soda on the mattress surface and let it sit for a few hours. Vacuum thoroughly to remove the baking soda residue, leaving behind a fresh scent.

Protect with mattress covers and protectors

Using a mattress cover or protector is an excellent way to safeguard your mattress against spills, stains, dust mites, and allergens. These protective layers act as a barrier, preventing fluids from seeping into the mattress and inhibiting the growth of bacteria and mold. Opt for a breathable, waterproof cover that is easy to remove and wash. Regularly washing the cover will help maintain a clean and healthy sleep surface.

Avoid excessive weight and impact

Excessive weight, jumping, or placing heavy objects on your mattress can cause structural damage and reduce its lifespan. Avoid using your mattress as a trampoline and be mindful of the weight limits specified by the manufacturer. If you need to move or transport your mattress, enlist the help of others and handle it with care to prevent tears or sagging.

Control temperature and moisture

Excessive heat and moisture can negatively impact the performance and durability of your mattress. Maintain a moderate room temperature and ensure adequate ventilation to prevent the buildup of moisture. Avoid placing your mattress directly on the floor, as it can trap moisture and promote the growth of mold or mildew. Instead, use a breathable foundation or bed frame that allows for proper airflow.

Regularly inspect for wear and tear

Periodically inspect your mattress for signs of wear and tear. Check for sagging, lumps, or indentations that may affect its support and comfort. If you notice any significant changes or deterioration, it may be time to consider replacing your mattress.

Getting to know your mattress

Can you sleep on a new mattress straight away?

Yes, you can sleep on a new mattress right away. In fact, many mattress manufacturers recommend unpacking and using the mattress immediately after delivery. However, there are a few factors to consider:

Unpacking: If you purchase a rolled mattress, it will arrive compressed and rolled in a box, you will need to unpack and unroll it to expand to its full size and shape. We recommend leaving the mattress to fully expand for 24 hours, before using. For additional information on rolled mattresses, please refer to our Roll Up Mattress Buying Guide.

Off-Gassing: Some mattresses, particularly those made of foam or memory foam, may emit a slight odour when first unpacked. This is known as off-gassing and is a normal occurrence due to the manufacturing process. It's generally recommended to allow the mattress to air out in a well-ventilated room for a few hours to help dissipate any odour.

Personal preference: While you can sleep on a new mattress right away, it's important to consider your personal comfort. Some people may prefer to give the mattress a little time to settle and adjust before sleeping on it, especially if they are transitioning from an old mattress with a different feel.

How long does it take to get used to a new mattress?

The time it takes to get used to a new mattress can vary from person to person. While some individuals may adjust to a new mattress immediately, others may require a few days or even a couple of weeks to fully adapt. Several factors can influence the adjustment period:

  1. Mattress type: Different mattress materials and constructions can have varying feels and support levels. For example, switching from an innerspring mattress to a memory foam mattress may require an adjustment period as your body adapts to the new material.

    Personal preference: Each person has their own unique preferences when it comes to mattress firmness, support, and overall feel. If the new mattress differs significantly from your previous one or doesn't align with your preferences, it may take longer to get used to it.

    Body condition: If you have specific body conditions or sensitivities, such as chronic pain or pressure points, it may take some time for your body to acclimate to the new mattress and find the optimal comfort and support.

    It's important to note that during the adjustment period, you may experience temporary discomfort or changes in sleep quality. This is normal as your body adapts to the new mattress. To help with the transition, consider giving yourself a few weeks of consistent use before deciding if the mattress is the right fit for you. If after this adjustment period you're still experiencing significant discomfort or sleep disturbances, you may need to reassess the suitability of the mattress for your needs.

What does it mean if your mattress is showing signs of settlement?

If your mattress is showing signs of settlement, it means that certain areas or sections of the mattress are becoming compressed or indented more than others over time. This can result in uneven support, sagging, or a noticeable difference in firmness between various parts of the mattress.
Signs of settlement may include:
Visible indentations: You may notice visible depressions or body impressions on the surface of the mattress, particularly in areas where you usually sleep.
Uneven sleeping surface: When lying on the mattress, you may feel uneven or lumpy areas, indicating that the mattress has lost its original shape and support.
Reduced comfort: As settlement occurs, the mattress may become less comfortable and supportive, potentially leading to discomfort, aches, or disrupted sleep.
Settlement can happen due to various factors, including the natural wear and tear of the mattress over time, low-density materials that are prone to compression, or improper usage and maintenance. It's worth noting that some degree of settlement is normal, especially in older mattresses. However, excessive or premature settlement can be a sign of a lower-quality mattress or a need for replacement.
If you're experiencing significant signs of settlement that are affecting your comfort and sleep quality, it may be time to consider replacing your mattress. It's advisable to consult the manufacturer's warranty or reach out to a mattress professional for guidance on whether the settlement is within normal limits or if a replacement is recommended.

Should a new mattress smell?

A new mattress may have a slight odour when it is first unpacked, especially if it is made of foam or memory foam. This odour is commonly referred to as off-gassing, which we have mentioned above, and is a result of the manufacturing process.

The intensity and duration of the smell can vary from mattress to mattress. Some mattresses may have a noticeable odour that dissipates within a few hours, while others may take a few days or even weeks for the smell to completely fade away. The odour is typically harmless and not a cause for concern in terms of health risks.

To help minimise the odour and facilitate the off-gassing process, it's recommended to unpack the mattress in a well-ventilated room and allow it to air out. Opening windows, using fans, and ensuring good airflow can help speed up the dissipation of the smell. Additionally, removing any plastic or packaging from the mattress and washing the mattress cover or sheets can also contribute to reducing the odour.

If you find the smell to be particularly strong, causing discomfort or sensitivity, it is advisable to contact the mattress manufacturer or consult the guidelines provided with the mattress to ensure that the smell is within normal limits.

How often should you rotate or flip a mattress?

The frequency of turning a mattress depends on the type of mattress you have. Here are some general guidelines:
Traditional spring mattresses: It is recommended to turn these mattresses every three to six months. Turning involves flipping the mattress over entirely so that the side that was previously on top is now on the bottom. This helps distribute the wear and compression evenly across the mattress, prolonging its lifespan.
Pillow-top mattresses: These mattresses have an additional layer of padding sewn onto the top. They typically cannot be flipped due to the fixed top layer. However, you can still rotate them by turning the mattress 180 degrees so that the head becomes the foot. This rotation should be done every three to six months.
Memory foam or latex mattresses: These types of mattresses are designed to have a specific orientation and are not meant to be flipped. However, you can rotate them by turning the mattress 180 degrees. It's generally recommended to do this every six months to ensure even wear.
It's worth noting that newer mattress models may have different recommendations from the manufacturer regarding flipping or rotating. Therefore, it's always best to refer to the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer for your mattress. Additionally, some mattresses are designed with specific comfort layers or support systems that eliminate the need for regular flipping or rotation.

Why use a mattress protector?

Using a mattress protector offers several benefits and can help protect your mattress investment in the following ways:

Stain and spill protection: A mattress protector acts as a barrier between your body and the mattress, helping to prevent stains and spills from reaching the mattress surface. It can guard against accidents, such as spills, bedwetting, or bodily fluids, and prevent them from seeping into the mattress and causing permanent stains or odors.

Dust mite and allergen resistance: Mattress protectors with hypoallergenic properties can create a barrier against dust mites, bed bugs, pet dander, and other allergens. These protectors can help reduce allergy symptoms and provide a cleaner sleep environment, especially for individuals prone to allergies or asthma.

Waterproof and moisture control: Some mattress protectors come with a waterproof or water-resistant layer that helps guard against liquid spills, sweat, or moisture. This is particularly beneficial for individuals who may experience night sweats or have children or pets who share the bed.

Prolonged mattress lifespan: By shielding the mattress from stains, spills, and other potential damage, a mattress protector helps extend its lifespan. Keeping the mattress clean and free from contaminants can help maintain its structural integrity and overall quality over time.

Hygiene and ease of maintenance: Mattress protectors are typically easy to remove and clean. They can be machine-washed or spot-cleaned, providing an additional layer of hygiene for your sleep environment. This can be particularly useful for individuals with allergies or sensitivities.

It's important to choose a mattress protector that fits properly, is breathable, and suits your specific needs. The protector should not interfere with the comfort or support of your mattress. Additionally, regularly washing and maintaining the mattress protector will help ensure its effectiveness and longevity.

Explore our blog to discover effective techniques for maintaining a clean mattress. We provide a wealth of information on how to keep your mattress in pristine condition. Learn valuable tips and strategies that will help you achieve a cleaner and healthier sleeping environment.

Caring for your mattress is essential to protect your investment and ensure a comfortable sleep environment. By following the tips outlined, you can extend the lifespan of your mattress, preserve its comfort and support, and create a healthier sleep environment for yourself.