Fabric Care Guide

How to Clean Fabric Beds and Headboards

Our Fabric Care Guide is designed to equip you with all the knowledge you need to maintain the timeless beauty of your upholstered beds and headboards. It's common for upholstered beds and headboards in our homes to be overlooked when it comes to cleaning, often due to a lack of understanding.

You'll find a wealth of information and practical tips on maintaining the beauty and longevity of your upholstered beds and headboards. We delve into various aspects of fabric care, including cleaning techniques, stain removal methods, and regular maintenance routines. Our aim is to ensure that you have all the tools and insights necessary to keep your beloved pieces looking as captivating as the day you first brought them into your home. Let our Fabric Care Guide be your trusted companion on the journey to preserving the allure and elegance of your cherished furniture pieces.

Things You Will Need

Before diving into the exciting journey of revamping and protecting your upholstered bed frame or headboard, it's crucial to gather all the essential products and items you'll need. Take a look at our comprehensive checklist to ensure you're fully prepared:

Upholstery Cleaner: Choose a high-quality upholstery cleaner specifically formulated for fabric materials. This will effectively remove dirt, stains, and odours, while being gentle on the fabric.
Stain Remover: Keep a reliable stain remover that is safe for use on upholstery. Look for one that targets specific stains like food, wine, or ink, depending on your needs.
Fabric Protector: Invest in a reputable fabric protector spray to create a protective barrier on your upholstered furniture. This will help repel spills, prevent stains from setting in, and extend the life of your fabric.
Soft Brushes: Have a collection of soft-bristled brushes in various sizes. These will be useful for gentle cleaning, loosening dirt, and spreading cleaning products evenly on the fabric.
Microfibre Cloths: Stock up on lint-free microfibre cloths, as they are excellent for cleaning and drying upholstery without leaving behind residue or lint.
Vacuum Cleaner with Upholstery Attachment: Ensure you have a vacuum cleaner equipped with an upholstery attachment to effectively remove loose dirt, dust, and debris from your fabric furniture.
Steam Cleaner (optional): If you prefer a deeper cleaning method, consider investing in a steam cleaner specifically designed for upholstery. This can help sanitize and refresh the fabric.
Gloves: Protect your hands by wearing gloves, especially when using cleaning agents or stain removers. This will prevent any potential skin irritation or chemical contact.
Drop Cloths: Lay down drop cloths or old sheets to protect your floors or surrounding areas during the cleaning process. This will prevent any accidental spills or stains.
Odour Neutraliser: Keep an odour neutralising spray or fabric refresher to eliminate any unwanted odours from your upholstered furniture, leaving them smelling fresh and clean.

The Dos and Don'ts of Fabric Care

When it comes to fabric care for a bed frame or headboard, there are specific dos and don'ts to keep in mind to maintain their appearance and prolong their lifespan. Here are some important guidelines:


  1. 1. Dust regularly: Use a soft-bristle brush or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to gently remove dust and debris from the fabric. Regular dusting prevents build-up and keeps the fabric looking fresh.

  2. 2. Address stains promptly: If you notice any spills or stains on the fabric, act quickly. Blot the area with a clean, absorbent cloth or paper towel to absorb the liquid. Then, follow the manufacturer's instructions for stain removal, using mild cleaning solutions appropriate for the fabric.

  3. 3. Rotate cushions or pillows: If your bed frame or headboard has removable cushions or pillows, rotate them periodically. This helps distribute the wear and tear evenly, preventing one area from getting excessively worn.

  4. 4. Vacuum upholstery: Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to vacuum the fabric upholstery regularly. This helps remove dirt, dust, and pet hair that may accumulate over time.

  5. 5. Follow manufacturer's instructions: Always refer to the manufacturer's care instructions for your specific bed frame or headboard. They may provide specific guidelines on cleaning methods, recommended products, and any precautions to be taken.

  6. 6. Use fabric protectors: Consider applying a fabric protector spray to the upholstery of your bed frame or headboard. Fabric protectors create a barrier against spills and stains, making them easier to clean and preventing permanent damage to the fabric.


  1. 1. Don't use harsh chemicals: Avoid using strong detergents, bleach, or harsh cleaning chemicals on the fabric upholstery. These can damage the fabric fibres and cause discoloration.
  2. 2. Don't oversaturate: When cleaning the fabric upholstery, avoid using excessive water or cleaning solutions. Oversaturating the fabric can lead to water stains, shrinking, or damage to the underlying padding or structure.
  3. 3. Don't rub vigorously: When treating stains, avoid rubbing the fabric vigorously. This can spread the stain and damage the fibres. Instead, gently blot the stain with a clean cloth or paper towel.
  4. 4. Don't ignore professional cleaning: If the fabric on your bed frame or headboard requires deep cleaning or if it is particularly delicate or valuable, consider consulting professional upholstery cleaners. They have the expertise to handle specialised cleaning processes and can help restore the fabric's appearance.
By following these dos and don'ts, you can effectively care for the fabric upholstery on your bed frame or headboard, keeping them looking clean, fresh, and in optimal condition for years to come.

Cleaning your upholstered Bed or Headboard

Cleaning fabric beds and headboards requires a gentle approach to prevent damage to the fabric. Here are the steps you can follow:

Read the manufacturer's instructions: Before you start cleaning, check the care label or any instructions provided by the manufacturer. It may contain specific recommendations or restrictions for cleaning the fabric.

Vacuum the surface: Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove any loose dirt, dust, or debris from the fabric. Go over the entire surface of the bed and headboard, paying attention to crevices and seams.

Spot clean stains: If there are any stains or spills on the fabric, spot clean them using a mild detergent or upholstery cleaner. First, test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure it doesn't damage or discolour the fabric. Apply the cleaner to a clean cloth and gently blot the stain, working from the outside in. Avoid rubbing vigorously, as it may spread the stain or damage the fabric. Once the stain is removed, blot the area with a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue. Allow it to air dry.

Deodorise: If there are any unpleasant odours on the fabric, you can deodorise it by sprinkling baking soda over the surface. Let the baking soda sit for a few hours to absorb the odours, and then vacuum it off using the brush attachment.

Steam cleaning: Steam cleaning can be an effective method for deep cleaning fabric beds and headboards. Follow the instructions provided with your steam cleaner and ensure that it is suitable for use on fabric. Steam the surface of the fabric, moving the nozzle in a slow and steady motion. Be careful not to saturate the fabric excessively, as it can lead to water damage. After steam cleaning, allow the fabric to air dry completely.

Brush or fluff the fabric: Once the fabric is dry, use a soft brush or upholstery brush to gently fluff and restore the texture of the fabric. This step helps to remove any flattened areas and maintain the overall appearance of the bed and headboard.

                                                                             Lady spot cleaning a headboard

Remember to always refer to the specific cleaning instructions provided by the manufacturer or consult a professional cleaner if you are uncertain about any steps or products to use. For more detailed advice on how to clean an upholstered headboard, then head over to our guide on How to Clean a Fabric Headboard.